Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Unpublished Works From Bonfire Studios 2.0

Work from 3 separate pitches done while I was working for Bonfire studios. We had some pretty cool ideas but at the time there weren't a lot of pitches that were getting picked up during the recession.

©2010 Bonfire Studios. All Rights Reserved.


chaz said...

very cool work phil; i wonder what other little goodies bonfire has? it would have been great to see even one of those projects finalized if not all of them.

Phil wohr said...

yeah the titles that actually shipped were We Farm and Adventure Bay on mobile. I would have really liked to ship one of these other titles but the market just wasn't interested at the time. (those games have been taken over by the publisher since launch).

Andez Gaston said...

Great stuff as always Phil! Really nice update.

Phil wohr said...

Thanks Andez, glad you like it!