Monday, February 15, 2010

CgHub Lifeless Forest, and Mounted Challenges

The top image "Pilgrimage Through the Portals of the Lost". Second image was my entry into, and winner of the CgHub Drawing Jam "Mounted Challenge".

Thanks for viewing and I hope you like them. -Phil

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Environment Work

The top piece here is the interior of a research facility with a guard chillin out. The one below that is based on the idea of an environmentally friendly Earth space port. And lastly some rough thumbnails which were part of the process of getting the first image. Thanks for viewing!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Above, a concept car. Below a take on Ameilia Earhardt in an alternate future, a creature sketch, and a co-op piece with original sketch by Tatiana Vetrova done for Cghub special thanks to her!
Three from my sketchbook oldest to newest, some reference used.
Dues Ex Machina "God's Favorite" featuring my car, "space girl" and "A Brave New World" an idea for a sort of light hearted environment.

Character Paintings

Here are some recent personal works for your eyes; Kaylyn the Patron Saint of smashing heads with a big hammer.


Cujo is a character I painted for a project my Uncle is working on. Hope you enjoy Them!
